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Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
On 20–21 January, Germany saw a wave of demonstrations against the far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD). A total of around a million individuals took to the streets (estimates provided by the police and the organisers differ, and…
OSW Report | | Kamil Frymark
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
Since 16 October, regular random checks have been carried out at Germany’s borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. Controls on the border with Austria, which were temporarily introduced in 2015, have also been extended.…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
On 10 November, the Bundestag passed a law for the first time in history concerning the funding of foundations affiliated to political parties. The regulations received support from all the parliamentary groups except the AfD, whose…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
On 23 October, Sahra Wagenknecht, the former chairwoman of the Die Linke parliamentary group, announced that a new party would be set up based on the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht–for Reason and Justice (BSW) association which was registered…
Analyses | | Lidia Gibadło, Kamil Frymark
On 17 October 2023, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Yitzhak Herzog in Tel Aviv. In a statement to the press, he once again condemned the attack by Hamas, emphasised Germany’s…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
In the elections to the Landtags of the German federal states of Hesse and Bavaria, held on 8 October 2023, the Christian Democratic parties, that is the CDU and the CSU, came first. In Hesse, the ruling CDU won 34.6% of the votes (+7.6…
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
In her speech to the Bundestag (on 22 September) and in an interview for the Welt am Sonntag daily newspaper (on 24 September), Germany’s interior minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) announced her intention to consider setting up on-site border…
OSW Report | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Kamil Frymark, Michał Kędzierski, Lidia Gibadło, Sebastian Płóciennik, Justyna Gotkowska
Main points
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
According to the Central Register of Foreign Nationals (AZR), 1,081,457 war refugees from Ukraine were registered as resident in Germany (as of 1 August 2023). By mid-July, around 243,000 of the Ukrainians who came to Germany after 24…