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OSW Report | | Konrad Popławski, Sandra Baniak
The twentieth anniversary of Central Europe’s accession to the EU should not only be an occasion to celebrate the region’s
OSW Commentary | | Konrad Popławski
An agreement between the EU and Ukraine on the partial liberalisation of the carriage of freight by road, which was signed in June 2022, has caused a major transformation of this market. On the one hand, it accelerated the Ukrainian…
OSW Commentary | | Sławomir Matuszak, Konrad Popławski
The Ukrainian government has used the ongoing war as an opportunity to carry out a rapid transformation of the railway infrastructure in the western part of the country. This process is expected to both increase the capacity of the railway…
OSW Report | | Konrad Popławski, Sandra Baniak, Adam Michalski, Marcin Popławski
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has now been ongoing for almost two years, is not only leading to significant political re-evaluations, but is also bringing with it significant transformations in Eurasian transport routes. One of the…
OSW Report | | Sławomir Matuszak, Tadeusz Iwański, Konrad Popławski, Andrzej Wilk
MAIN POINTS I. THE MACROECONOMIC SITUATION 1. GDP 2. Industrial production 3. Inflation
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
According to recent press releases (including from Politico), France is seeking to initiate anti-dumping proceedings against imports of electric vehicles from China, which may lead to punitive duties being imposed on EVs imported from…
OSW Commentary | | Konrad Popławski
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) adopted in 2022 marks a profound change in the US’s approach to its economic competition with China. This will have global consequences, and will also come to affect Central Europe. Since this document was…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
On 27 May, the European Commission announced a recovery plan for the EU economy, the key element of which is the creation of the Next Generation EU fund, planned to amount to €750 billion. The basis for the proposal was the German-French…
Point of View | | Konrad Popławski
The German automotive sector’s strong global position is one of the country’s greatest economic success stories. In 2018, two out of the three top global automakers achieving the highest sales volumes originated from Germany, and 80% of…
Analyses | | Konrad Popławski
The outbreak of the coronavirus has caused serious problems for the German economy due to the exceptionally high degree of its internationalisation. 9 March saw the biggest slump on the German stock exchange since the attacks on the World…