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OSW Commentary | | Jolanta Darczewska
The Kremlin defines the role of the Russian Federation as a superpower in the international arena in terms of the strength it can bring to bear due to its resources, and this is the backdrop for the Kremlin’s plans to integrate the…
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska
Rosgvardiya is the largest internal security structure in Russia. It has been assigned independent functions (policing and intervention, critical infrastructure security, oversight of security contractors and private gun owners), and…
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska
It is generally believed that one sign that the secret services are doing their job well is media silence. In this respect, Russia is a special case: the services receive an excess of media coverage, which is part of the country’s…
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska
The history of the special services and the ideas which organise them in the symbolic sphere are an important part of the reflection on their contemporary role and position. Over the centuries, the secret services defined Russia's…
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska
Russia’s Cossacks evoke extreme opinions among observers: some see them as a marginal social phenomenon, a kind of political folklore; others as a morally and physically healthy part of the nation, a pillar of the modern paramilitary…
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska, Piotr Żochowski
The remarks presented in this paper show the complexity and multi-dimensionality of the techniques referred to as ‘active measures’. The renaissance of this question currently observable today has called their role in causing crises into…
OSW Studies | | Jolanta Darczewska
The question about the role of the armed forces in the information space is in fact a question about the role of the factor of force in the Kremlin’s policy.
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska, Piotr Żochowski
Building up an image of Russophobic countries is currently instrumental in shaping a neo-imperial political identity among the Russians.
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska
The authors of the Russian Federation's military doctrine have outlined the concept of information warfare.
Point of View | | Jolanta Darczewska
Information warfare has a long tradition in Russia. Over the past few years it has been redefined, using geopolitical theory as its foundation.