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Analyses | | Piotr Szymański
On 29 October, the Latvian Armed Forces received the first four Patria 6x6 wheeled armoured personnel carriers (APC) as part of the Latvian-Finnish agreements on cooperation in the production and acquisition of these vehicles signed in…
Analyses | | Piotr Szymański
On 6 October the Estonian Centre for Defence Investment (ECDI) announced the procurement of Blue Spear 5G SSM missiles with a range of 290 km for a land-based coastal defence unit under development. They will be delivered by an Israel-…
Analyses | | Piotr Szymański
The centre-left won a majority in Norway’s parliamentary election held on 13 September. This marks the end of the centre-right governments led by the Conservative Party (Høyre) with Erna Solberg as prime minister (2013–2021). The winning…
Analyses | | Piotr Szymański
In late June, the commander of the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Gen. Richard Clarke was accompanied by the commander of the US Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) Maj. Gen. David Tabor when he visited Lithuania, Latvia…
OSW Commentary | | Piotr Szymański
In March 2021, the UK's government published the Integrated Review – a new vision for the country's security, defence, development and foreign policy until 2030. A few days later, it released a supplementary defence strategy reshaping…
Analyses | | Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Piotr Szymański
On 31 May, the Danish Environment and Food Appeals Board (Miljø- og Fødevareklagenævnet) revoked the environmental permit for the construction of Baltic Pipe’s onshore part in Denmark, which the Environmental Protection Agency had issued…
OSW Commentary | | Piotr Szymański
NATO's northern flank plays an increasingly important role in the security of the Euro-Atlantic area. Russia’s forces in the Northern Military District pose not only a conventional threat to Norway, but also a nuclear threat to the whole…
Analyses | | Piotr Szymański
On March 5, Estonia updated its long-term National Defence Development Plan for 2017–2026. It has been divided into shorter four-year planning cycles, including a new medium-term one for 2022–2025. After a period of directing most of the…
OSW Commentary | | Piotr Szymański
International interest in Greenland has been growing for several years. This trend is a result of the increasing global competition between the US, China and Russia (including in the Arctic) and the acceleration of climate change, which is…
Analyses | | Piotr Szymański
In mid-December, the US Army deployed a contingent of approximately 500 soldiers in Pabradė, located to the north-east of Vilnius. The troops will remain in Lithuania for eight months – until mid-2021. This is the third rotation of a US…