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Point of View | | Mateusz Seroka
In March 2021, during the run up to the parliamentary elections, the Bulgarian counter-intelligence cracked a Russian espionage network that had been collecting information, including on Bulgaria’s activity in NATO. This was not the first…
OSW Commentary | | Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Mateusz Seroka, Marta Szpala
December 2020 saw the completion of another part (Bulgaria–Serbia) of the European section of the TurkStream gas pipeline, through which gas has been exported from Russia to south--eastern Europe since January 2020. The capacity of the…
Analyses | | Mateusz Seroka
On 18 March Bulgaria’s counterintelligence arrested a group of six Bulgarians suspected of spying for Russia. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, five out of the six arrested are former or active servicemen, including officers of the…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala, Mateusz Seroka
Due to objections from Bulgaria, the EU Council did not adopt the conclusions on the enlargement policy, including the negotiating framework with North Macedonia and Albania proposed by the European Commission (EC) in December this year.…
Analyses | | Mateusz Seroka
On 3 March the Slovenian parliament appointed Janez Janša prime minister. Janša is the leader of the opposition centre-right Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS). The SDS will form a coalition government with another opposition party, the…
Analyses | | Mateusz Seroka
A number of events have taken place in Bulgaria over the past two weeks resulting in a sudden deterioration of Bulgarian-Russian relations. On 3 September, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticised an exhibition entitled the ‘…
Analyses | | Jakub Jakóbowski, Mateusz Seroka
On 11th-12th April the eight 16+1 summit was held in Dubrovnik in Croatia; this format brings together the prime ministers of Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) and China. A co-operation plan for a further year was adopted at the…
Analyses | | Mateusz Seroka
On 6 October Viktoria Marinova, a local journalist, was raped and murdered in the northern Bulgarian city of Ruse. Since the end of September Marinova had been hosting a local television programme dedicated to investigative journalism. Her…
Analyses | | Mateusz Seroka, Jakub Jakóbowski
The Hrvatske Ceste company and a Chinese consortium led by the China Road and Bridge Corporation signed a contract worth around €281 million to construct a bridge to the Peljesac peninsula in Croatia.
Analyses | | Mateusz Seroka
On 17 May, President Gjorge Ivanov, formerly of the centre-right VMRO-DPMNE party, entrusted the leader of the SDSM party Zoran Zaev.