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OSW Commentary | | Karolina Zielińska
The European Union’s trade relations with Israel are asymmetrical, but the overall volume of their trade in goods and services has been growing rapidly. The EU is Israel’s top partner in this field, while Israel ranks outside the top 30 of…
OSW Commentary | | Karolina Zielińska
In late 2020 and early 2021, Israel established official diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain (the Abraham Accords), renewed its relations with Morocco, and took steps towards establishing relations with Sudan, in…
Analyses | | Karolina Zielińska
On 27 October at the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) headquarters in Naqoura, representatives of Israel and Lebanon handed over concurring statements to the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon on the coordinates of the…
OSW Commentary | | Karolina Zielińska
Once gas extraction from the Karish gas field starts, which is scheduled for September 2022, Israel will have a gas surplus enabling it to export around 10 bcm of this fuel to the European Union states every year. To this end, it intends…
OSW Studies | | Karolina Zielińska
The conflict with the Palestinian side is a long-term existential challenge for Israel. A resolution of the dispute or its absence will be decisive for the future ethnic character of this state and for its political system, as well as its…
Analyses | | Karolina Zielińska, Marek Matusiak
On 15 September a Treaty on Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalisation between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, a Declaration of Peace between Israel and Bahrain, as well as the ‘Abrahamic Agreements’, a joint declaration…
OSW Commentary | | Karolina Zielińska
After three rounds of early parliamentary elections in Israel, in May 2020 a grand coalition government was sworn in. The parties that make it up belong to a block of conservative and religious groups centred on the Likud bloc of Prime…