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Analyses | | Sebastian Płóciennik
The continuing stagnation in Germany raises concerns about a permanent weakening of the economy’s competitiveness and erosion of the prosperity that has been achieved over the past few decades. However, it is not a foregone conclusion that…
OSW Commentary | | Sebastian Płóciennik
The European Union is nearing a decision on whether to impose restrictions on imports of electric cars from China. The German automotive industry is observing this scenario with apprehension as it expects both retaliation from the…
Analyses | | Sebastian Płóciennik
Shortly before the Christmas break, EU finance ministers agreed on the general guidelines for the reform of fiscal rules. First of all, more flexibility in reducing debt and the introduction of investment incentives is envisaged. This is a…
Analyses | | Sebastian Płóciennik
It took almost a month for Germany’s ruling coalition to decide on how to adjust the country’s financial plans for 2024 to the ruling passed by the Federal Constitutional Court (FCC).
Analyses | | Sebastian Płóciennik
In its ruling on 15 November 2023, Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) has challenged the methods of funding the federal government’s expenditure, thus forcing the coalition parties to seek ways out of this difficult situation.…
Analyses | | Michał Kędzierski, Sebastian Płóciennik
On 15 November the Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) in Karlsruhe ruled that the reallocation of the unused debt from the pandemic support measures to the Energy and Climate Fund (currently known as the Climate and Transformation Fund;…
OSW Commentary | | Sebastian Płóciennik
Germany has found itself in a stalemate between its strict budgetary rules and the need to fight the economic crisis, cushion rising energy costs and earmark more funds for public investment. To tackle this challenge, it has decided to…
OSW Report | | Anna Kwiatkowska, Kamil Frymark, Michał Kędzierski, Lidia Gibadło, Sebastian Płóciennik, Justyna Gotkowska
Main points
Analyses | | Sebastian Płóciennik
The deteriorating economic situation in Germany has forced the SPD-Greens-FDP government coalition to present a plan to combat the crisis. The measures proposed to improve the situation include tax reliefs for businesses, and in a slightly…
Analyses | | Sebastian Płóciennik, Paulina Uznańska
On 13 July 2023, Germany’s ruling coalition reached an agreement regarding the final wording of its ‘Strategy on China’. This is the first such document in Germany’s history, and negotiations lasted many months. Finally, it was unveiled by…