1851 - 1860 z 3758
Analyses | | Maria Domańska
United Russia has gained a constitutional majority as a result of an election to the State Duma which was characterised by the lowest voter turnout in history.
On 9 September in Geneva, the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and the US Secretary of State John Kerry signed a package of five documents (not published) which provide for a ceasefire between the government forces and the ‘moderate…
Despite maintaining full control over this year's electoral process, the Belarusian authorities did at the same time strive to create some semblance of liberalisation.
Over the past three years, Azerbaijan has revised its risk assessment and has reached the conclusion that the West cannot guarantee its security.
Analyses |
The German minister of foreign affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, proposes to negotiate a new multilateral treaty on conventional arms control in Europe.
Tokyo declared willingness to intensify its economic cooperation with Moscow without waiting to find a solution to the dispute over the Northern Kurils. 
On 2 September (although unofficial reports cited 29 August as the date), the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov died in Tashkent.
The CDU trailed the anti-immigrant party known as Alternative for Germany (AfD) in a local parliamentary election in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Gazprom Export held a gas auction for European customers for the third time in the past twelve months.
Russia wants to place part of the responsibility for the deterioration of air safety in the region on NATO member states.