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Analyses | | Jakub Groszkowski
The negative experiences with renewable energy sources have made the Czech Republic strengthen its stance on its energy and climate policy. The use of coal deposits, the development of the nuclear power sector and the diversification of…
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A gas interconnector between Croatia and Hungary was put into operation on 3 August. This is the first completed element of the North-South gas corridor, which envisages connecting the Świnoujście LNG terminal in Poland via the Czech…
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During a meeting in Prague on 23 June, the prime ministers of the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic, David Cameron and Petr Nečas, stated they did not want the EU’s budget for 2014–2020 to be increased and appealed for a concentration…
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The launch of a special grant facility to support the Eastern Partnership as part of the International Visegrad Fund was agreed on 16 June during the summit meeting of the Visegrad Group prime ministers in Bratislava. However, this…
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On 27 June, the opposition Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) appealed to the government led by Petr Nečas to give up its efforts for the approval of the Czech Republic’s opt-out from the validity of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights…
Analyses | | Tomasz Dąborowski
The takeover of the shares held by the Russian company Surgutneftegas in MOL by the Hungarian government fits in with the vision of increasing the influence of the state on the strategic sectors of the economy but is not likely to…
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On 24 May Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced that Hungary reached agreement with the Russian oil company Surgutneftegas over buying 21.2% of shares in MOL. This is the culmination of the centre-right Fidesz government's efforts that…
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The gas company RWE Transgas, which has a dominant position on the Czech market, confirmed on 5 May that it had been a party to arbitration proceedings with the Russian gas supplier, Gazprom Export, since last December. RWE Transgas wants…
Analyses | | Jakub Groszkowski
The Czech media have revealed information over the past fortnight confirming that the smallest party in the centre-right government coalition, Public Affairs (VV), is a political project of the private security agency ABL, intended at…
Analyses |
At the summit of the European Council held on 24-25 March, Hungary, currently holding presidency of the EU Council, and the Czech Republic announced that they will opt out of the Euro Plus Pact. Thus these two countries figure, along with…