Operation 'Little Flower' (1997). Two decades of prosecuting war criminals in the Balkans

A seminar commemorating the 20th anniversary of the apprehension of Slavko Dokmanovic by soldiers from the Polish special force unit GROM, the first operation of this kind in the former Yugoslavia, was held at OSW on 5 July. The meeting was attended by the Operation 'Little Flower' veterans, GROM officers and experts in international law, military issues and politics of the Western Balkan countries. Professor Hubert Królikowski, deputy director of the Department of Military Foreign Affairs at the Ministry of National Defence, the author of a study devoted to Operation 'Little Flower', and Colonel Piotr Gąstał, a former commander of GROM who had taken part in the operation, were among the guests. The international law aspects of the prosecution of war criminals were presented by Rafał Tarnogórski, an analyst from the Polish Institute of International Affairs. Mateusz Seroka, PhD, an analyst from OSW, discussed the accountability of those responsible for war crimes in the countries which emerged after the disintegration of Yugoslavia from the perspective of the last two decades. The meeting was chaired by the deputy director of OSW, Mateusz Gniazdowski, PhD.