On 4-6 June in Rzeszów was held Forum of Cities and Regions, organized by the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development. Forum was attended by representatives of the governments of countries participating in the Berlin process, the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank, as well as local government officials from Poland and the Balkan states. The ceremonial opening session of the Forum was moderated by Marta Szpala from the Central European Department of the OSW, which coordinates the OSW activities regarding the Berlin process. OSW deputy director Mateusz Gniazdowski took part in an expert session devoted to programming European territorial cooperation.
The Forum of Cities and Regions is a Polish initiative within the Berlin process, which aims to support the countries of the Western Balkans on their way to the EU by deepening regional and cross-border cooperation and transferring experience regarding the use of EU funds.