Visegrad Conference in Skopje

OSW in cooperation with the Polish Embassy in Skopje and the Macedonian think-tank Analytica organized a conference on the Visegrad Group and its interaction with the Western Balkan countries. The Polish Ambassador to Macedonia Jacek Multanowski opened the seminar, which took place on 18 May in the Polish Information Center in Skopje. Tomáš Strážay from the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), deputy director of OSW Mateusz Gniazdowski and Michal Kořan from the Institute of International Relations in Prague, deputy director of Aspen Central Europe, discussed in the first session about the achievements and challenges of Visegrad cooperation. The session was led by OSW Director Adam Eberhardt.

Magdalena Lembovska from Analytica spoke  in the session on V4 and the Western Balkan countries, V4 countries in the context of the challenges of the migration crisis. Prof. Stevo Pendarovski from UACS, Anna Orosz from the Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Budapest, Jarosław Wiśniewski from the London School of Economics and Mateusz Seroka from OSW took part in the discussion panel led by Sonja Risteska (Analytica).


Conference Program: Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans – what is next for the two regions? 


Information from the Macedonian Information Agency:

Ambassador Multanowski: Visegrad Group - a successful example of regional cooperation

Јацек Мултановски: Вишеградската група е успешен пример за регионална соработка

Mateusz Gniazdowski: The Visegrad Declaration is still valid

Матеуш Гњаздовски: Вишеградската декларација се уште е актуелна