Visegrad cooperation session at the European Economic Congress in Katowice

The Centre for Eastern Studies organized a discussion panel devoted to Visegrad cooperation at the European Economic Congress in Katowice on 10th May. Aleš Chmelař - chief economist at the Czech Government Office, Martin Ehl from the journal "Hospodářské noviny", Tomáš Strážay from the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), Anna Tamási from the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (KKI) and deputy director of OSW Mateusz Gniazdowski attended the session on the first day of the Congress. The panel was led by editor Grzegorz Ślubowski from Polish Radio. On the next day (May 11, 2017) OSW organized an annual meeting of the Polish-Czech analytical platform at the margin of the Congress in Katowice. The meeting was attended by Michal Kořan from the Institute of International Affairs in Prague, Vít Dostál from the Association of International Affairs (AMO), Tomasz Żornaczuk from the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Mateusz Gniazdowski and Jakub Groszkowski from OSW as well as editors: Martin Ehl ("Hospodářské noviny") and Piotr Maciążek ("Defense24"). The guest of this session was Aleš Chmelař from the Czech Government Office.


Photos by Marek Pędziwol