Coordinator of the Energy in Europe project. For the last few years, she has coordinated OSW’s research work on the European gas market and acted as a senior analyst for European Union energy policy, prior to that was focusing on oil and gas issues in the Caspian region. Participant in a number of EU and regional research projects (including POLINARES, Strategic Foresight Conversation on the Future of the EU and Ukraine 2035, V4ETTP consortium of Visegrad Group think tanks). Cooperates with EU and regional think tanks on regular basis (e.g. Bruegel or within the Think Visegrad platform). Graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw, also studied at Universite de la Paix in Namur (Belgium). Member of the Polish Expert Council on Energy Security and Climate, and the Working Group on European Energy Security (CEPA). In 2023/2024 was a visiting fellow in Bruegel think tank.
- EU energy policy;
- Energy security, including security of natural gas supply in Europe;
- The European Green Deal. The role of gas in the energy transition;
- The energy dimension of international relations, including EU’s relations with neighbouring countries.
- EU-Ukraine energy cooperation, including in the framework of reconstruction and accession processes.
The EU gas market: revolutionary changes and the spectre of another winter, May 2023, OSW
The War in Ukraine: A Chance to Reduce the Western Balkans’ Energy-Dependence on Russia, a chapter in: Europe and Russia on the Balkan Front. Geopolitics and Diplomacy in the EU’s Backyard, March 2023, ISPI
Turkey’s dream of a hub. Ankara’s wartime gas policy, together with A. Michalski, March 2023, OSW
The Energy Crisis and Russian Aggression Against Ukraine Key Challenges for the Central European Energy Sector, December 2022, CEEP
Imperium kontratakuje: narastający kryzys w UE po zmniejszeniu dostaw rosyjskiego gazu, razem z M. Kędzierski, June 2022, OSW
Dangerous liaisons. A quick and coordinate withdrawal from Russian gas is proving hard for the EU, June 2022, OSW
The EU gas market and policy and the war in Ukraine, March 2022, OSW
- The EU needs transparent oil data and enhanced coordination; together with McWilliams, B. and G. Zachmann, May 2022, Bruegel
- How to weaken Russian oil and gas strength; together with Hausmann, R., A. Ockenfels, U. Schetter, S. Tagliapietra, G.B. Wolff and G.Zachmann; April 2022, Science
- EU risks letting Putin’s gas divide-and-rule strategy win; together with S. Tagliapietra, G. Zachmann; 29 April 2022; Euractiv
- Cutting Putin’s energy rent: ‘smart sanctioning’ Russian oil and gas; together with Hausmann, R., A. Ockenfels, U. Schetter, S. Tagliapietra, G.B. Wolff and G.Zachmann; April 2022, Bruegel
- Policy Brief: The future of natural gas in the EU, 02 December 2021, Europeum
- Der Triumph gehört Moskau, together with Reinhard Bütikofer, 17 October 2021, Die Welt
- Navalny & Germany’s NS2 Dillemma; 7 September 2020; Natural Gas World
- Unpicking the Russia-Ukraine Agreements, 16 January 2020, Natural Gas World
- Critical months ahead of Nord Stream 2, together with M. Kubiak, 14 August 2019, Natural Gas World
- Central and East European gas market and new supply options, presentation at European Gas Conference, Norwegian Petroleum Society, Stavanger 28 May 2019
- Energy Union and Russian gas, presentation at EPP Group, Warszawa, 7 March 2019
- Bulgaria: Torn in two ways, 18 July 2019, Natural Gas World
- Balkan pride and pipelines, 7 May 2018, Natural Gas World
- Everyone wants integration, interviewed by Z. Rokita, Aspen Review, 04/2018
- Nord Stream 2 & questions about gas markets, policy & unity in the EU, public hearing at AFET Committee, European Parliament, Brussels, 31 January 2017,
- Security of gas supply: different risks, interests & tools proposed – what role for the EU?, public hearing at ITRE Comitee, European Parliament, Brussels, 23 May 2016
- ‘Cutting Putin’s energy rent: ‘smart sanctioning’ Russian oil and gas', in cooperation with Hausmann, R., A. Ockenfels, U. Schetter, S. Tagliapietra, G.B. Wolff and G. Zachmann (2022), Working Paper 05/2022, Bruegel
- Winds of Change. Challenging Future for Russian Gas, in: The Future of Natural Gas. Markets & Geopolitics”, ed. Silvia Colombo, Mohamed El Harrak and Nicolò SartoriIstituto Affari Internazionali, OCP Policy Center and Lenthe Publishers/European Energy Review, Rome – Rabat 2016
- Great Expectations. LNG on the European Gas Market, OSW, Warsaw, April 2016
- Nord Stream 2: policy dilemmas and the future of EU gas market, NUPI, Oslo, February 2016
- The case against Nord Stream 2, Energy Post, November 2015
- What a European gas market might mean, co-authored with Georg Zachmann, European Voice, December 2014
- Rebalancing the EU-Russia-Ukraine gas relationship, co-authored with Georg Zachmann, Bruegel, Brussels, December 2014,
- Putin’s gas gambit: what’s next after South Stream, Energy Post, December 2014
- End of Nabucco – end of Southern Gas Corridor?, Energy Post, June 2014
- How the EU should deal with the Ukraine gas crisis, Energy Post, June 2014,
- Too high and too low: The problems with energy prices in the EU, OSW, Warsaw, December 2013 http://www.osw.waw.pl/en/publikacje/osw-commentary/2013-12-06/too-high-and-too-low-problems-energy-prices-eu
- Similar or diffrent? Energy security policy in CEE countries, CSM, Warsaw, 2012, http://csm.org.pl/pl/biuletyn-europy-srodkowej-i-wschodniej
- The European Union's external energy policy and its relations with its neighbours to the East, in: Baltic Rim Economies, December 2011
- What does energy solidarity mean?, in: Green, safe, cheap: Where next for EU energy policy? Centre for European Reform, London 2011
- The EU internal market – a stake or a tool in European-Russian gas relations. A case of new member states gas policy, in cooperation with W. Ramsay, Actuelles d’ifri, IFRI, Paris 2011 & OSW Commentary, Warsaw 2011
- Between energy security and energy market integration, together with Z. Brunarska, A. Jarosiewicz and I. Wisniewska, ed. A. Loskot-Strachota, OSW Report, Warsaw 2011
- OSW answer to EC DG ENER Public consultation on The External Dimension of the EU Energy Policy, in cooperation with Z. Brunarska, A. Jarosiewicz and I. Wisniewska, Warsaw 2011
- Rethinking the external dimension of the European Energy Policy, OSW Report, Warsaw 2011
- An Azeri-Turkish deal on gas - a partnership renewed?, Edito Energie, IFRI, Paris 2010
- Nord Stream on the liberalising EU gas market, together with Lukasz Antas, OSW Policy Brief, Warsaw 2010
- Gazprom's expansion in the EU: co-operation or domination? (second edition), OSW Report, Warsaw 2009
- January gas crisis and the complexity of Russian-Ukrainian energy relations, ISS Opinion, EUISS, Paris 2009
- The Baltic Sea as the most important corridor for Russia’s oil exports, The Baltic Rim Economies 6/2008, Pan-European Institute, Turku School of Economics, Turku 2008
- Chapters 5 and 6 (together with Emmanuel Bergasse and Elena Rakova) in: The economic aspects of the energy sector in CIS countries - CASE, ECONOMIC PAPERS no. 327, European Commission, Brussels 2008
- Nabucco vs. South Stream - Rivalry over Balkan Gas Pipelines, OSW Commentary, Warsaw 2008
- Gazprom's expansion in the EU: co-operation or domination? (together with Katarzyna Pelczynska-Nałęcz), OSW Report, Warsaw 2008
- Ropa, Gaz I Wielka Gra w regionie kaspijskim (Oil, Gas and the Great Game in Caspian region), Okręt Koszykowa, OSW/PWN, Warszawa 2007
- The NEGP: Strategic interests and number of unknowns, in: Philip Kazin (red), Baltic Mosaic 2006, Baltic Research Center, St Petersburg 2006
- The Russian Gas for Europe, OSW Report, Warsaw 2006
- Turkey - an energy transit corridor to the EU? – OSW Studies, Warsaw 2005
- Security of Russian Gas Supplies to the EU - the Qestion of Infrastructural Connections, OSW Policy Brief,Warsaw 2005
- Export potential of the post-Soviet region, in: The resource wealth burden - oil and gas sectors in the former USSR, (ed. A. Loskot), OSW Studies, Warsaw 2003
Shorter texts:
- Nord Stream and Gazprom and the liberalisation of the EU gas market, co-authored with Lukasz Antas, EUobserver, 30.03.2010, Journal of Turkish Weekly, 7.04.2010
- Gazprom: Changing fortunes and a changing strategy in the EU?, EurActiv.com, 19.03.2010
- Is the EU in danger of losing Azeri gas?, European Voice, 10.04.2009
- Unia mądra po szkodzie, Tygodnik Powszechny, 17.02.2009
- Nadzieja w Nabucco, Tygodnik Powszechny, 18.06.2008
- Kaukaski łącznik: gra o surowce, Tygodnik Powszechny, 04.06.2007
- Projekt stulecia, Tygodnik Powszechny, 24.07.2006