Coordinator of the “Greater Middle East” project since 2025. From 2001 to 2024 served as Head of the Turkey, Caucasus, and Central Asia Department - in OSW since 1999. .
Organised and coordinated several OSW research programmes: OSW China Programme (2018–2022), OSW Israel Programme (2019–2022), various OSW research projects focused on Greater Middle East (including: Iran - since 1999; “war on terror” and Afghanistan - since 2001; Iraq - since 2003; Kurdish issues - since 2006; Arab Spring - 2011) and Islam (e.g., Islam in the Post-Soviet space, 2003–04).
Lecturer at the Centre for East European Studies (SEW) at University of Warsaw, teaching history and contemporary developments of Central Asia and South Caucasus well as analytical methodology. Non-resident scholar at the Black Sea Program Middle East Institute (MEI) in Washington, D.C. where was a visiting fellow in 2023. Regular guest lecturer at the College of Europe in Natolin and contributor to “Tygodnik Powszechny”.
- Political and social transformations in the South Caucasus, Central Asia, and Turkey
- Challenges to stability and political-social evolution in the Greater Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan)
- Islamic State-Khorasan: global jihad’s new front | OSW Centre for Eastern Studies, OSW Commentary, March 2024
- Armenian Fate [in:] Slanted Special Issue Georgia/Armenia, March 2024
- Mastering the growing crisis in the South Caucasus: A role for the West and Turkey, Middle East Institute, July 10, 2023
- With Russia’s future uncertain, Turkey and the West need each other Middle East Institute, October 18, 2023
- The undeclared war. A new phase of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict | OSW Centre for Eastern Studies, OSW Commentary, March 2023 [co-author Wojciech Górecki]
- Erosion of the post-Soviet system in Central Asia, OSW Commentary, September 2022 [co-author Miłosz Szymański]
- Koniec fantomowego imperium. Jak Rosja traci Kaukaz i Azję Centralną [w:] Rozpad starego świata. Próba syntezy po pół roku wojny na Ukrainie. Raport specjalny Klubu Jagiellońskiego, Warszawa 08.2022
- The Shadow Line: Turkey and the Arab Spring [in:] Politics of Change In Middle East and North Africa since Arab Spring. ed. Md. Muddassir Quamar MEI@ND New Delhi 2022, pp 201-218
- Turkish dilemmas in the shadow of the war in Ukraine, OSW Commentary nr 461, 1.07.2022
- Caution and anticipation: Turkey and the Russo-Ukrainian war, OSW Commentary nr 429, 10.03.2022
- Kyrgyzstan in the aftermath of revolution, OSW Commentary (359), 29.10.2020 [co-author Mariusz Marszewski]
- The S-400 for Turkey. The crisis in Turkish-American relations escalates, OSW Commentary (305), 12.06.2019 [co-author Andrzej Wilk]
- The Caucasus deregulated. The region on the anniversary of the end of the second Karabakh war, OSW Commentary, November 2021
- The constitutional referendum – another step towards a New Turkey, OSW Commentary 28.042017
- A breakthrough year in relations between Turkey and the European Union – an attempt to take stock, co-Author Mateusz Chudziak, OSW Commentary 18.10.2017
- Raport: Kurdowie [Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców], Warszawa 2015 https://www.gov.pl/attachment/edf166af-9e06-4693-8989-20c1b07e3e85
- The Middle East in the shadow of the Islamic State, OSW Point of View, 08.2015
- The Myth of the Afghan Threat and a New Reality in Central Asia on the Threshold of 2014, Caucasus International, Vol. 3 No: 3 Autumn 2013
- China vs. Central Asia. The achievements of the past two decades, co-author with Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, OSW, Warsaw, November 2013
- Turkey and the Kurdish problem. New approaches in the face of the Middle East crises, OSW, Warsaw, November 2013
- Central Asia and the Challenge of Afghan Stability [in:] Afghanistan in transition. Crafting a strategy for enduring stability, Ed. Beata Górka-Winter and Bartosz Wiśniewski, PISM, Warsaw 2012
- Central Asia. A breakdown region in the context of stability and challenges of migration, Warsaw 2011 [in Polish]
- Central Asia in Future Scenarios for The Conflict in Afghanistan: A Regional Perspective, ed. A.Ananicz, CSM Reports and Analyses, Warsaw 2010
- Jihad vs. The New Great Game. Paradoxes of militant Islamic threats in Central Asia, co-author with Maciej Falkowski, OSW, Warsaw 2010
- Para-States, Quasi-States, and Black Spots: Perhaps Not States, but Not "Ungoverned Territories," Either. Bartosz H. Stanislawski, Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Krzysztof Strachota, Maciej Falkowski, David M. Crane and Melvyn Levitsky [w:] International Studies Review Vol. 10, No. 2 (Jun., 2008), pp. 366-396
- Reintegration or Reconquest? Georgia's policy towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the context of the internal and international situation, Co-author with Wojciech Bartuzi, OSW, Warsaw 2008
- For an independent Kurdistan 1920-2006 [in] Colonial and post-colonial conflicts in Africa and Asia 1896-2006; ed. P. Ostaszewski, Warszawa 2006 [in Polish]
- Iraq. Soldier’s handbook [chapters: Country; People; Religion; Culture; Practical information], Warsaw 2003 [in Polish]
- Islam in post-Soviet area (ed.), OSW, Warsaw 2002 [in Polish]
- Conflicts in post-Soviet area (ed.), OSW Warsaw 2002 [in Polish]
- Russian Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia in Toward Understanding of Russia, Council for Foreign Relations, New York 2002