Piotr Szymański
Piotr Szymański
Senior Fellow
Security and Defence Department

Analyst at the Security and Defence Department. At the OSW since 2015, first in the Security and Defence in Northern Europe Project, then in the Regional Security Programme. In 2022-2024 he worked in the bureau of the Swiss Federal Office for Customs and Border Security at the Embassy of Switzerland in Warsaw (with accreditation for Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Frontex). 


Graduate of the Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw (majoring in Security and Strategic Studies). Project co-investigator in the Sonata grant of Poland’s National Science Centre – The Sense of Mission in Russian Foreign Policy. 

  • NATO’s defence and deterrence 

  • security and defence policy of the main NATO member states 

  • security in the Nordic-Baltic region 

Major publications


NATO’s polar quartet. The US, Canada, Denmark and Norway in the Arctic, OSW Report, March 2023 


Mission saves us all: Great Russia and Global Britain dealing with ontological insecurity, International Relations, December 2022 


Polens Sicherheitspolitik, das Baltikum und Europas Norden, WeltTrends, December 2021 


Post-2020 Belarus: Security and Defence Implications for the Baltic States, Poland, and NATO, LIIA, November 2021 


The UK’s Integrated Review and NATO’s north-eastern flank, OSW Commentary, June 2021 


High North, high priority – Norway and the defence of NATO’s northern flank, OSW Commentary, May 2021 


Defence Policy and the Armed Forces in Times of Pandemic, National Defence Academy of Latvia, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, March 2021 


Wrestling in Greenland. Denmark, the United States and China in the land of ice, OSW Commentary, March 2021 


Towards #NATO2030: The Regional Perspective of the Baltic States and Poland, LIIA, December 2020 


Lessons from the Enhanced Forward Presence, 2017-2020, Research Paper, NATO Defense College, November 2020 


Seeking an additional reassurance. The EU and France in Estonia’s security policy, OSW Commentary, September 2020 


Towards greater resilience: NATO and the EU on hybrid threats, OSW Commentary, April 2020 


New ideas for total defence. Comprehensive security in Finland and Estonia, OSW Report, March 2020 


The consequences of Brexit for the UK’s security policy and NATO’s eastern flank, OSW Commentary, April 2019 


The northern tandem. The Swedish-Finnish defence cooperation, OSW Commentary March 2019 

NATO‘s Northeast Quartet: Prospects and Opportunities for Baltic-Polish Defence Cooperation, Policy Paper, ICDS, November 2018 


With Russia right across the border. Finland’s security policy, OSW Study, May 2018  


Overstretched? Denmark’s security policy and armed forces in light of the new Defence Agreement, OSW Commentary, April 2018 


The multi-speed Baltic States. Reinforcing the defence capabilities of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, OSW Study, August 2017  


Between co-operation and membership. Sweden and Finland’s relations with NATO, OSW Study, March 2017  


Russia and the security in the Baltic Sea region, Policy Briefing, Centrum Balticum, January 2017 


The Nordic countries on Nord Stream 2: between scepticism and neutrality, OSW Commentary, October 2016  


Pro-American non-alignment. Sweden and Finland develop closer military co-operation with the United States, OSW Commentary, April 2016  


Between continuation and adaptation: The Baltic states’ security policy and armed forces, OSW Commentary, November 2015 


The Baltic states’ Territorial Defence Forces in the face of hybrid threats, OSW Commentary, March 2015