Wojciech Konończuk
Wojciech Konończuk

Director of the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW). Previously, he was deputy director and department head for Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova, and analyst for Russia’s energy and foreign policy in OSW's Russian department. In the past, he was the coordinator of the Batory Foundation's international projects, a visiting scholar at the Wilson Centre's Kennan Institute in Washington, DC, and a participant in several international research projects (including the Centre for European Policy Studies, Think Visegrad, and the German Association for East European Studies). He lectures regularly at the Diplomatic Academy, the Warsaw School of Economics, and the University of Warsaw. He is a member of the Foreign Policy College of the President of Poland and the Board of POLONIKA, the National Institute for Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad. A regular commentator in Polish and international media.

A graduate of the University of Warsaw in International Relations and the Centre for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw. He also studied at Saint Petersburg State University and the Warsaw School of Economics. Initiator and editor of the three-volume works of Włodzimierz Bączkowski, prominent Polish-American Sovietologist (Mieroszewski Centre & OMP 2022). The author of books: “Endangered heritage. Polish cultural goods in Ukraine and Belarus” (OSW 2020), "The art of survival. The Soviet deportations from the Bielsk county 1940-1941" (in Polish, IPN 2019).

Twitter: @w_kononczuk

  • political and economic situation in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
  • Russian foreign and domestic policy
  • energy policy
  • European integration
  • politics of memory
  • history of Polish political thought about Eastern Europe
Major publications