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Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
On 24 June, the European Union adopted its 14th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation, which covers a number of areas including trade, transport and finances. The document imposes individual restrictions on 69 individuals and…
Analyses | | Piotr Szymański, Filip Rudnik
On 16 June, Denmark’s foreign minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen announced that Copenhagen had assembled a coalition of countries to evaluate the possibility of introducing new restrictions against the ‘shadow fleet’ in the Baltic Sea. These…
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
In May, Gazprom published its annual financial report for 2023, revealing a loss of 629 billion roubles (around $7 billion at the current exchange rate). This is the first time the company has reported a negative result since 1999. The…
OSW Commentary | | Filip Rudnik
Ukrainian drone strikes on refinery facilities inside Russia have dealt a significant blow to the Russian fuel sector. During the first four months of 2024, the Ukrainian forces attacked more than a dozen refineries; damage of varying…
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik, Iwona Wiśniewska
On 1 May, the United States expanded its sanctions against Russia on another 29 individuals and 250 entities incorporated in the Russian Federation and third countries. The items targeted include:
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
According to a report from Reuters at the beginning of April, the Russian LNG giant Novatek intends to reduce the target production capacity of the Arctic LNG 2 facility. This project, which was expected to be Russia’s biggest liquefaction…
Analyses | | Jakub Graca, Filip Rudnik
On 23 April, the US Senate adopted a set of bills that had already been passed by the House of Representatives, which includes military and budgetary support for Ukraine; a day later, President Joe Biden signed it into law. The Ukraine-…
OSW Commentary | | Filip Rudnik
The successive moves to tighten the Western sanctions regime targeting the Russian LNG sector have aggravated the problems affecting it as it faces major difficulties which are jeopardising its further development. The technology embargo…
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
According to estimates published by the Argus agency, in 2023 Gazprom sold 69.3 bcm of natural gas to the so-called ‘far abroad’ countries (Europe excluding the Baltic States, plus Turkey and China). This represents a decrease of nearly 33…
Analyses | | Filip Rudnik
In the second half of January, a series of fires were started in industrial facilities linked to the Russian oil and fuel sector, including the gas condensate processing plant located in the Baltic port of Ust-Luga (Leningrad oblast),…