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Analyses | | Witold Rodkiewicz
On 16 May, the State Duma, acting under an expedited procedure, voted unanimously to terminate the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), as requested by President Vladimir Putin on 10 May. In doing so Andrey Kartapolov, the…
Analyses | | Marek Matusiak
After five days of fighting, on 13 May Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the second-largest armed group operating in Gaza (Hamas being the largest) agreed a ceasefire. This latest instalment of the confrontation was initiated by…
OSW Commentary | | Kamil Kłysiński, Piotr Żochowski
As the Belarusian regime has intensified its policy of repression against society since August 2020, its other domestic policy priorities have come to include an overhaul of the education system and stricter supervision over Belarusian…
Analyses | | Krzysztof Dębiec
On 15 May, President Zuzana Čaputová appointed a technocratic caretaker government headed by Ľudovít Ódor, previously the deputy governor of the central bank. Recognised specialists, often close aides of the outgoing ministers from Eduard…
Analyses | | Jakub Ber, Jacek Tarociński, Piotr Żochowski
On 13 May, a Su-34 fighter-bomber aircraft, a Su-35 multi-role fighter and two Mi-8 helicopters (probably modified for radio-electronic warfare) were shot down near the towns of Klintsy and Starodub in the Bryansk oblast of the Russian…
Analyses | | Lidia Gibadło, Krzysztof Nieczypor
As part of his European trip, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky visited Berlin on 14 May, where he met President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and attended a meeting of Germany’s security cabinet (which Vice-…
Analyses | | Paulina Wankiewicz
The separatist rhetoric of the government of Republika Srpska (RS), which is part of Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH), has been intensifying over the past few weeks. On 24 April the government coalition, led by the Union of Independent…
Analyses | | Adam Michalski, Zuzanna Krzyżanowska
Turkey held presidential and parliamentary elections on 14 May. After counting 99% of the domestic ballot boxes and 84% from abroad, the Supreme Election Commission reported that in the presidential election Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received…
Analyses | | Andrzej Wilk, Piotr Żochowski
On 9 May, Ukrainian forces struck at the rotating enemy subunits south of the Bakhmut-Kostiantynivka road, which led to their withdrawal from the area around the village of Stupochky to the eastern side of the Donets-Donbas canal.
Analyses | | Kamil Frymark
During a meeting between Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the prime ministers of the Bundesländer in Berlin on 10 May, it was agreed to raise the earmarked subsidy to cover part of the expenses related to refugee policy by €1 billion, to €3.75…