
A right-wing coalition is being formed in the Czech Republic

President Vaclav Klaus on 4 June entrusted the leader of the right-wing Civic Democratic Party (ODS) Petr Necas with the government forming mission. ODS leader is engaged in negotiations preceding the formation of a government coalition by ODS, TOP 09 and Public Affairs (VV). According to party leaders’ statements, the coalition talks will be closed at the beginning of July. Even if VV does not join the coalition, it may still grant support to the right-wing cabinet.

The winner in the parliamentary elections held on 28–29 May was the Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD). However, it won less of the vote than the polls had forecast and was unable to form a government as a result. The new cabinet is likely to be formed by ODS, which came second, the conservative TOP 09 and the centrist VV. The key goals of the emerging coalition include healthier public finances, combating corruption and completion of the pension reform. One of the likely problems in the negotiations, in addition to the disputes already existing over nominations, may be the demands made by VV, which is entering parliament for the first time. This party wants to cut military expenses by 20% and shift this amount to the education sector, and supports the use of provocation in combating corruption. Furthermore, VV has made its decision on whether to join the government coalition dependent on the outcome of an on-line vote by its registered supporters.
The post-election negotiations between ODS, TOP 09 and VV are likely to end in the formation of a cabinet led by Petr Necas. However, it cannot be ruled out that VV will choose not to enter the government but still support it in parliament. <grosz>