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OSW Commentary | | Jadwiga Rogoża
On 29 September 2021 and 6 October 2021 in Kyiv two competing ceremonies were held to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the massacre in Babi Yar, which is a site of extermination of Kyiv Jews and representatives of other ethnic and…
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz A Olszański
On 24 August 1991, Ukraine proclaimed independence, and a few months later (together with Russia and Belarus) it brought about the dissolution of the USSR. At the time of its foundation, the Ukrainian state was a continuation of the…
OSW Commentary | | Sławomir Matuszak
On 23 August, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, a law came into force recognising electronic ID cards and passports as equivalent to their physical counterparts.
OSW Commentary | | Jakub Jakóbowski, Krzysztof Nieczypor
Chinese-Ukrainian relations are still defined by the events of 2014: the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Their consequences continue to block high-level political dialogue between Kyiv and Beijing,…
OSW Commentary | | Sławomir Matuszak
President Volodymyr Zelensky gained full power under a year and a half ago, but it is already becoming increasingly difficult for him to implement his declared political goals. This is due to the increasingly weak control he wields over…
OSW Commentary | | Piotr Żochowski, Sławomir Matuszak, Tadeusz Iwański
The high susceptibility of Ukrainian officials to corruption has been one factor affecting the condition of the Ukrainian state. Since 2014, the government has managed to create several anti-corruption institutions whose independence from…
OSW Commentary | | Sławomir Matuszak
On 28 April, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the Act on introducing an agricultural land market in Ukraine. The document envisages that the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land will be partially lifted on 1 July 2021 and…
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz Iwański, Piotr Żochowski
The change of government in Ukraine in 2019 has boosted the political position of Arsen Avakov, the longest-serving interior minister in the history of independent Ukraine (he has been in five consecutive governments since February 2014).…
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz Iwański, Sławomir Matuszak, Krzysztof Nieczypor, Piotr Żochowski
20th May marked the end of Volodymyr Zelensky first year as President of Ukraine. Thanks to the clear victory of his Servant of the People party in the snap parliamentary election held in July 2019 and the establishment of the government…
OSW Commentary | | Tadeusz Iwański, Sławomir Matuszak, Piotr Żochowski
According to data compiled by Ukraine’s Ministry of Health, by 27 March more than 200 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed nationwide, with five fatalities. However, there is a risk of the epidemic soon developing on a much larger scale.