Think Visegrad–V4 Think Tank Platform



Think Visegrad—V4 Think Tank Platform is a network for structured dialogue on issues of strategic regional importance. The network analyzes key issues for the Visegrad Group (V4), and provides recommendations to the governments of V4 countries, the annual presidencies of the Group, and the International Visegrad Fund. Think Visegrad covers the thematic priorities of V4, including energy security, V4’s internal cohesion, EU institutions and politics, the Western Balkans, relations with Eastern Partnership countries, development assistance, hard security, environmental protection, Roma-related issues, migration, transport, etc. 

Formation of the network of V4 think-tanks was one of the priorities of the Czech Presidency in the Visegrad Group of 2011–2012. This idea reflected the long-term interest and willingness of Central European think-tanks to enhance their cooperation within the Visegrad Group and to deepen its cohesion. Think Visegrad was established in 2012 by eight V4 research centers and institutes, and is funded by the International Visegrad Fund.

Members (Core Network)

The members of the V4 Think Tank platform are the following institutes (in alphabetical order):

- The Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) 

The Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) 

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy 


The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT)

The Institute of International Relations (IIR)

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)

The Slovak Foreign Policy Association

Think Visegrad aims to prepare extensive and detailed long-term analyses focusing on the most important priorities of the Visegrad Group, as well as short-term analyses reflecting the most current and urgent topics.



Each of the centers of the core network hosts one expert from outside the Visegrad Group countries on an annual basis. During a few weeks' internship, they have the opportunity to take part in the work of the institution and prepare the analysis on the submitted topic. Trainees are selected during the procedure which is coordinated every year by the Slovakian Foreign Policy Association (SFPA).

For more information visit:

For more information on Fellowship Policy papers visit:


Civil Servants Mobility Programme

The main objective of the Civil Servants Mobility Program (CSMP) is the education of civil servants from Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan countries through organizing study visits in the V4 countries. The study visits are focused on the past experience of Visegrad countries in the implementation of the sectoral reforms and harmonisation of the national legislation with the EU legislation with a specific focus on the topic of the visit.

For more information on CSMP visit:


Review conferences

Every year the country which holds the presidency of the Visegrad Group is organizing conferences ("Think Visegrad Mid-Term Conference") intended to review the Visegrad cooperation and to sum up the Think Visegrad network activities. These conferences are attended by experts, representatives of the International Visegrad Funds and the administration of the V4 countries.

For more information on  Polish V4 Presidency Think-Tank Community & Journalist Mid-Term Meeting held in 2017 visit:


For more information about the project please visit Think Visegrad Funds: